100 french healthcare companies for covid-19 epidemic and patient management
In this particular sanitary context, 澳门六合彩开奖记录 Association offers to contribute to the inventory of French players (members and non-members of the association) with proven solutions that can be implemented in the management of the epidemic and the management of patients.
Companies are classified by 芦 field 禄:
- Vaccine and treatment (under development)
- Diagnostic tests / research
- Medical devices
- Masks/personal protective equipment / thermal cameras
- Medical imaging
- Sterilization / disinfection / biodecontamination, hydroalcoholic solutions
- Hospital waste management
- Hospital air treatment / disinfection
- Room and insulation equipment
- Remote patients monitoring / teleconsultation
- Professional apps
- Transport / repatriation of patients
- Medical furniture
- Modular premises, mobile units
- Hospital human resources / training